$97.00 USD

The Parenting Fundamentals Course

Train NOW and be the parent your children NEED you to be!

What you'll get:

  • Building a strong foundation for effective parenting

  • Effective communication and connection with your child

  • Cultivating emotional intelligence and empathy

  • Building resilience and self-esteem

  • Tailoring parenting strategies

  • Nurturing values and character development

  • Parenting for the digital age

  • 10 hours of expert instruction and worksheets

  • Access to member community & directory

Special Offer: Originally $797, Now Only $97!

Please ensure you understand and accept the following terms before proceeding:

By clicking the Buy button, you acknowledge that the coaching and training provided are not substitutes for therapy, intervention, or higher levels of care. They are intended to supplement and support your existing efforts in managing parenting challenges. If you require professional therapeutic assistance, please seek appropriate help from licensed professionals.